Artist Statements: 2003-2021 - Polk speculates, theorizes, jokes, pontificates, complains, and babbles. A struggle to articulate meaning in art, life and culture through essays, aphorisms, poems, and lyrics.
Fixating on a Spot
Working Referentially
Focus on Tragedy
Four of Diamonds
Hit or Miss
What you Don't Know
The Days are Numbered
Why I Watercolor
The Core of My Humanity
Studio Fire
Exhileration is a Drug
The Best Marks
The Marks of Industry
Trails of Existense
War is to Peace
A Horrible Artist
The Joy of Drawing
The Village Idiot
A Rant About God
A War for Peace
After Armageddon
Another World
Beating a Dead Horse
Bodily Fluids
Career Building
From Life to Death
Finishing the Work
From a 2007 Interview
From a Distance
The Elusive Line
The Middle East in 2004
Two Worlds
Watercolor: The Bloom
Working the Garden
Who was that Person?
The Same but Different
Imagining the Unknown
It's Paint
Lesson of the Lorikeet
Living is the Art
Missing the Window
Order in Chaos
Profound Juxtaposition
The Aspen Fire
The Legitimization of Nonsense
Thinking About Vietnam
What is it about War?
Harnessing Nature
Beyond the Camera's Eye
Using the Camera