Andrew Polk
On Again / Off Again

(2014)    Lithographl     14½"H x 14½"W

On Again / Off Again

Wanting to fit in with the popular kids, he started smoking in his teens.

In his early twenties in college, everyone smoked everywhere, even in classes. It was rare to find someone who did not smoke.

In his later twenties, his dad died of lung cancer attributed to smoking.

In his thirties, after countless unsuccessful attempts, and with two new, young children, he finally succeeded.

He did not smoke in his forties and fifties - except on a few social occasions.

In his early sixties, frustrated and uninspired by life, he sought to regain his carefree spirit of youth, and he rolled his own and began smoking again. Then he got sick.

Included in the Mondo Tondo portfolio exchange orgainized by John Driesbach 1n 2014