(2009) Digital Collage, non-digital materials (dirt, sand, ash, paint) archival inkjet print 12"H x 18"W
Admiral Doenitz’ Announcement of Hitler’s Death, May1, 1945.
ANNOUNCER: The German Wireless broadcast series, important news for the German People.
(Three rolls of the drum are heard.)
ANNOUNCER: It is reported from Der Fuehrer’s headquarters that our Fuehrer Adolf Hitler fighting to the last breath against Bolshevism, fell for Germany this afternoon in his operational headquarters in the Reich Chancellery.
On April 30, Der Fuehrer appointed Grand Admiral Doenitz his successor. The Grand Admiral and successor of Der Fuehrer now speaks to the German people.
DOENITZ: German men and women, soldiers of the armed forces: Our father, Adolf Hitler has fallen. In the deepest sorrow and respect the German people bow.
At an early date, he had recognized the frightful danger of Bolshevism and dedicated his existence to this struggle. At the end of this struggle, at the unswerving straight road, stands his hero’s death in the capital of the German Reich. His life has been one single service for Germany. His activity in the fight against the Bolshevik Storm concerned not only Europe, but the entire civilized world.
Der Fuehrer has appointed me to be his successor.
Fully Conscious of the responsibility, I take over the leadership of the German people at this fateful hour.
It is my first task to save Germany from destruction by the advancing Bolshevist enemy. For this aim alone, the military struggle continues. As far and for so long as achievement of the aim is impeded by the British and Americans, we shall be forced to carry on our defensive fight against them as well. Under such conditions, however, the Anglo-Americans will continue the war not for their own peoples but solely for spreading Bolshevism in Europe.
What the German people have achieved in battle and borne in the homeland during the struggle of this war is unique in history. In the coming time of need and crisis of our people, I shall endeavor to establish tolerable conditions of living conditions for our women, men, and children so far as this lies in my power.
For all this, I need your help. Give me your confidence because your road is mine as well. Maintain order and discipline in town and country. Let everybody do his duty at his own post. Only thus shall we mitigate the sufferings that the coming time will bring to each of us; only thus shall we be able to prevent a collapse. If we do all that is in our power, God will not forsake us after so much suffering and sacrifice.